Dogs will be dogs and winter can be messy.
Does your dog need a cleanup & groom?
Let us help!
Seasons Greetings from Stephanies Dog & Pet Grooming Burlington
Seasons Greetings! Over the holidays our shop will be closed Dec 24 to Jan 5.
Re-Opening Jan 6, 2020.
Top three reasons for owning a dog
Stephanies Dog & Pet Grooming Burlington
What are your top 3 reasons or benefits?
CALL NOW to Book an Appointment
Are Your Dogs Due for a Groom?
Having fun outdoors can sometimes get messy!
Looking for a cleanup and groom?
CALL NOW to Book an Appointment
Stephanies Pet Grooming
Closed for the holiday weekend Aug 30 to Sept 1.
Reopening Monday Sept 2, 2019
CALL NOW to Book an Appointment